Foto oficina about
Foto oficina about

With over ten years’ experience in the world of old masters we are particularly committed to the discovery of new masterpieces. Neglected gems and pieces that have been hidden from public view or an expert eye for centuries make up most of our inventory, as the recovery of art is both a motto and motivation that drive us to make important rediscoveries in the field of Spanish sculpture, painting and drawing, as well as Italian and Colonial art.

Our mission and goals lead us to be at the forefront of recent scholarship and findings so as to be better equipped to “hunt down” the last of the few Master works still in private hands lacking in an accurate ascription or attribution. Join us as we continue to present significant and especially sensitive works that have reshaped our knowledge and understanding of western art and history.

*To learn more about what we do or to enquire about a specific work feel free to contact us at: info@atlibertygallery.com

All works are available for view and closer examination at our Madrid office by apointment:

C/Mayor, 23, 4th floor

Please call 00 (34) 656 848403 to schedule your visit